Orange-bellied Parrots x Zoos Victoria


Wildlife Drones was deployed to search for captive-bred Orange-bellied Parrots that had gone missing from their release site. These parrots had been bred in captivity to help supplement the critically endangered wild population.

To monitor their survival, Zoos Victoria researchers would spend painstaking hours radio-tracking across muddy saltmarsh to find these small migratory parrots. More often than not, it would be easy to lose track of them.

Using Wildlife Drones technology, researchers could search far wider areas for signals more quickly, building up a rapid picture of where the birds had settled.

…a drone will allow us to cover a lot more of the potential area which the birds could be occupying so we can more efficiently keep track of their movements.

Dr Michael Magrath
Senior Research Manager, Zoos Victoria

orange-bellied parrots in captivity
missing animals
Searched for missing animals
Overcame Tricky Terrain
Maximised tag detectability

Categories: #ThreatenedSpecies