Eastern Quolls

Eastern Quolls (Dasyurus viverrinus) are carnivorous marsupials native to Australia, particularly found in Tasmania. They are characterized by their medium-sized build, measuring around 35 to 50 centimetres in length, with a bushy tail adding another 20 to 30 centimetres. Their fur ranges in colour from fawn to dark brown, often with white spots or patches on their bodies.

Eastern Quolls are primarily nocturnal, emerging at dusk to forage for prey such as insects, small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They are solitary animals, except during the breeding season, which typically occurs in winter and spring. During this time, females give birth to up to 30 tiny joeys, which they carry in their pouches for approximately 8 weeks before the young quolls are weaned.

Eastern Quolls inhabit a variety of habitats in Tasmania, including forests, grasslands, and scrublands. They prefer areas with dense vegetation for cover and access to prey. However, their populations have declined significantly due to habitat loss, competition with invasive species, and predation by introduced predators such as foxes and cats.

Tracking Eastern Quolls with drones

Our radio-tracking system is being used in tracking projects to help locate Eastern Quolls. With the drone’s elevated altitude and Wildlife Drones’ capability to simultaneously track multiple animals, researchers have experienced a significant breakthrough. Unlike traditional manual tracking, which confines researchers to monitor one animal at a time using a yagi antenna and handheld receiver, Wildlife Drones’ drone-based telemetry system has transformed the game. This innovative approach can cover vast expanses of up to 80 hectares in a single flight, traversing any terrain, including rugged mountains. This revolutionary wildlife tracking method offers a highly efficient and effective alternative to conventional manual methods.

Radio-tracking quolls – Track up to 40 animals simultaneously

With Wildlife Drones’ you can empower your team to cost-effectively collect more radio-telemetry data, more often and with less effort. It’s the world’s most advanced tracking solution for locating tagged animals in real time. Compatible with any VHF tags globally, our unique sensor technology is a valuable addition to any conservation, management, and environmental science project worldwide. With Wildlife Drones, you have the ability to track up to 40 radio-tagged animals simultaneously. Importantly, this also reduces your risk of losing animals.

two eastern quolls one grey and one black both with white spots
Eastern Quolls

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Categories: #ThreatenedSpecies