Wildlife Drones_radio tracking birds

Radio-Tracking Birds

Birds play a major role in ecosystems, from pollinating plants and spreading seeds to controlling pest populations. They act as engineers who restore and maintain balance in the environments they inhabit. Ensuring we support the livelihood of bird populations and conserve their habitats is integral to preserving biodiversity, sustaining ecosystems, and even supporting our agriculture

Wildlife Drones_Drone in Sky

5 Things You Can Do With Wildlife Drones

Wildlife Drones offers an innovative wildlife tracking solutions, including drone-based radio telemetry technology. Our cutting-edge technology excels manual tracking methods in several ways, including improved accuracy, greater accessibility, and enhanced efficiency.  If you’re a wildlife conservationist or biologist seeking to streamline your research, our revolutionary drone radio tracking technology is a far better alternative to

Wildlife Drones Intern Key Deng

Intern Interview Keyu Deng

Can you briefly introduce yourself and share a bit about your background? My Name is Keyu Deng, I’m currently a UI/UX design intern at Wildlife Drones, originally from Shenzhen, China, and I’ve been living in Australia for five years. I have a background in urban planning and architectural surveying using drones, which is how I

Wildlife Drones_Animal tracking American Condor

Tracking animal survival

Monitoring animals that have been released back into the wild is critical to the success of wildlife conservation programs. Below we cover some animal survival tracking basics—including how drones can help to enhance survival data collection. Why are animals released into the wild?  Generally speaking, three kinds of animals get released into the wild:  Animals

Wildlife Drones Burmese Python

Radio-tracking Reptiles

Whether it’s the invasive Burmese python, or deadly Australian brown snake, reptiles are notoriously difficult to monitor. Their cryptic nature makes them hard to spot, and they often inhabit challenging terrain, like dense tropical jungle, or swampy marshland, which makes them hard to follow with traditional VHF radio telemetry techniques. As a result, it’s estimated

Wildlife Drones Phil flying Astro Drone

Drone Pilot Phil Keaton

Meet Phil who is one of the skilled drone pilots at Wildlife Drones. He plays a crucial role in product development by flying and testing improvements to our cutting-edge hardware and software and provides valuable feedback to guide the development team. Every week he’ll head out to our testing site and use his flying expertise

Wildlife Drones_Bats

Four tools for bat conservation research

Of the 1,400 bat species alive today, approximately 15 per cent are considered threatened by the IUCN. Alongside habitat destruction and hunting, the spread of wildlife diseases like white-nose syndrome (WNS) is a leading cause of bat population decline. WNS is particularly problematic in the United States and Canada where it has devastated native bat

Wildlife Drones_Radio telemetry drones

Radio telemetry in a time of changing technology

Today, wildlife professionals around the world have access to more animal tracking methods than ever before. Across the board, tags are getting smaller and more powerful, making it possible to track a wider range of animals with a higher degree of accuracy. As global pioneers of drone radio telemetry, Wildlife Drones has spent the better

Koala thermal

Wildlife Drones’ Thermal Survey Locates Koalas for GHD

Innovative drone technology advances Koala impact assessment and conservation efforts across Australia. Wildlife Drones, an Australian drone sensor technology company, conducts thermal imaging surveys to detect koalas and greater gliders across eastern Australia to increase the efficiency and accuracy of impact assessments and conservation research. This includes koala surveys in partnership with GHD on major

Wildlife Drones_flying in the mountains

Challenges of tracking highly mobile species

Small, agile and capable of travelling vast distances, mobile species like birds and bats are notoriously difficult to monitor. As well as moving quickly through the landscape, their small size often means they can only be tracked with tiny Very High Frequency (VHF) radio tags.  In this article, we discuss the challenges of tracking highly

Dr Debbie Saunders flying Drone

Drone Pilot Dr Debbie Saunders

In the second part of our interview with Dr Debbie Saunders, CEO, founder, and Chief Remote Pilot at Wildlife Drones, we delve deeper into her journey as a drone pilot and the remarkable impact her work has had on wildlife tracking and conservation. Join us as we explore Dr Saunders’ experiences, insights, and the incredible

Wildlife Drones Biodiversity Offsets

Biodiversity offsets

The 2021 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) marked the beginning of the process of developing the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. This Framework sets out an approach to guide actions worldwide to preserve and protect nature through to 2030.  However, successfully implementing this framework requires a significant increase in the amount of biodiversity finance available globally. In

Wildlife Drones Dr Debbie Saunders launching a Drone

Drone Pilot Stories Debbie Saunders

For over 20 years, Dr Debbie Saunders has worked as an ecologist and studied the movements of small migratory birds. Frustrated by the limitations of radio-tracking manually, Dr Saunders was inspired to develop a practical solution with wide-ranging applicability. Wildlife Drones is now an award-winning start-up that is currently working with a range of people

Wildlife Drones_Biodiversity

Investing in Biodiversity Conservation

The urgent need for greater investment in biodiversity conservation Australia’s State of the Environment Report paints a bleak picture of a national environment under extreme pressure. Despite the clear need to take action to prevent further environmental damage, the Report highlights critical shortfalls in the level of resources currently dedicated to environmental management.  In this

Wildlife Drones_Bat research

Tools for bat research

At Wildlife Drones, we’ve been lucky enough to work with Copperhead Environmental Consulting to help track federally endangered Indiana bats. In this article we’re sharing some of the things we learnt about the five most common tools that help scientists undertake bat conservation research—including drones.  1. Mist nets Mist nets are sheets of fine nylon

Wildlife Drones_Tiger

Tiger Monitoring with Drones 2023

Sariska Tiger Reserve is in a semi-arid region that spans over 1200 square kilometres and boasts a diverse range of flora and fauna, including top predators like tigers and leopards. However, the reserve is under threat from anthropological pressure and a drastic increase in the cattle population. The local villagers, who traditionally depended on the

Wildlife Drones ESG Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Adopted by all United Nations (UN) member nations in 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development outlines a path towards peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At the heart of this plan are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which represent a call to action for all countries to end poverty and reduce inequality,

Wildlife Drones_Senator David Pocock

Independent Senator David Pocock visits Wildlife Drones

Independent Senator David Pocock visited the deep tech startup Wildlife Drones in Canberra to see the world’s most advanced drone radio-telemetry technology first-hand. Wildlife Drones was pleased to host Independent Senator David Pocock in their Canberra office and showcase their cutting-edge technology which is used to track both invasive and threatened species globally. There were

Wildlife Drones Tech Partnership

Groundbreaking tech partnership ATS & Wildlife Drones

Most groundbreaking tech partnership for wildlife conservation in 2023: ATS & Wildlife Drones combine their technological expertise to better monitor and protect wildlife Wildlife Drones, a tech startup company based in Australia, has joined forces with Advanced Telemetry Solutions based in Isanti, MN, one of the world’s leading radio-tag manufacturers. Together they will integrate and

Wildlife Drones_Camera traps on tree

5 uses of camera traps

Invented more than a century ago, camera traps are one of the most commonly used wildlife monitoring tools in the biodiversity conservation toolkit. Capable of recording accurate data with minimal disturbance, camera traps are used by scientists worldwide. Here are five common applications of camera traps for conservation. 1. Endangered species monitoring  Camera traps are

‘stereotyped nature-inspired aerial grasper’ (SNAG)

3 bio-inspired drones

As payload technology continues to evolve, more and more researchers are turning to drones to undertake wildlife monitoring. RGB cameras and thermal imaging are making aerial mapping easier than ever before; Wildlife Drones’ unique radio-telemetry system is helping clients to monitor animal behaviour more quickly and with less effort; and new aerial seeding technology is

Wildlife Drones_Western Meadowlark

Grasslands, the home of ground-dwelling birds

Teeming with wildflowers and native animals, grasslands—or prairies—as they are commonly known in the American Midwest, stretch across vast swathes of the United States. From songbirds to raptors, grasslands are home to a staggering number of bird species—many of which are small and difficult to track.  With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we thought we’d

Wildlife Drones_flying in the mountains

Flying your drone in the mountains

5 things you need to know when flying your drone in the mountains Drones have transformed environmental research by making it easier than ever before to access challenging landscapes—including rugged mountain terrain. But flying in mountains at high altitudes can be more complex than flying your drone in open, flat cleared areas. Here are five

Wildlife Drones_Freefly Astro

Drones for wildlife conservation

In recent years, drones have revolutionised the way scientists study wildlife. Drone cameras are more powerful, drone platforms are lighter and quieter, and new payloads have come online, making it easier than ever before to gain valuable insights into animal behaviour.  Curious about how drones could help your conservation project? In this article, we discuss

Wildlife Drones_Indigenous culture

Modern technology and Indigenous knowledge

Indigenous people have cared for countries around the world for tens of thousands of years. This ancient connection to the land has fostered a deep understanding of sustainable land management practices. Increasingly, environmental managers are recognising the importance of pairing Indigenous knowledge with scientific approaches to wildlife conservation.  In this article, we take a look at

Wildlife Drones Bat with White-nose Syndrome

Wildlife disease and conservation

Anyone who’s ever seen a ‘zombie deer’ with chronic wasting disease, or a Tasmanian devil suffering from devil facial tumour, knows how devastating wildlife disease can be. In much the same way that invasive species and noxious weeds wreak havoc on native ecosystems, wildlife diseases pose a significant threat to biodiversity.  In our previous article

Debbie Saunders Wildlife Drones wetlands

10 things to know before your first drone flight

If you’ve recently become a drone pilot and you’re itching to get your new drone outside it can be tempting to rush out the door. After all, there’s nothing quite like taking your new drone on its first flight and seeing the world from a whole new perspective. But there are a few important things

Wildlife Drones_Freefly Astro

Press Release – Freefly Systems Partnership

American drone manufacturer Freefly Systems and innovative sensor technology startup, Wildlife Drones, announce partnership American drone manufacturer Freefly Systems have announced a partnership with Australian conservation tech start-up Wildlife Drones to launch the world’s most advanced radio-telemetry system incorporating US made drones. Freefly Systems have over a decade of experience bringing innovative products to the

Wildlife Drones Elephant herd

Preventing human-wildlife conflict

Each year, September 4 marks National Wildlife Day in the United States. It’s a chance to It’s a chance to raise awareness of endangered species across America, and reflect on what work is needed to encourage peaceful coexistence with wildlife.  So in honour of #nationalwildlifeday, we’re taking a deep dive into human-wildlife conflict. We’ll explore

Wildlife Drones Astro in flight

Drones and wildlife laws

At Wildlife Drones we know how important it is to respect local drone laws designed to protect native wildlife. But we’ve also learnt first-hand just how difficult it can be to keep up with changes in government drone regulations. That’s why we’ve pulled together this short article on the 3 things you need to know

Wildlife Drones Islands

Island conservation and protection

Galápagos tortoises, Komodo dragons, Darwin’s finches—these are just a few of the many animals that call islands home. According to the Institute of Zoology, islands support 15-20% of all mammal, bird, amphibian and plant species. In doing so, islands play an important role in preserving the unique genetic material of species that often aren’t found

Wildlife Drones field trip

5 things you need to pack for your field trip

Whether you’re a university student, conservation ecologist or marine biologist, field trips are often one of the most important and rewarding parts of a career in science. But apart from your research equipment, it can be difficult to know what to pack for your field trip—particularly if you’re just starting out.  Your university or employer

Wildlife Drones Island Conservation

Conservation partnership with Island Conservation

International nonprofit organization Island Conservation and Australian deep tech startup Wildlife Drones have announced a long-term partnership that will provide unprecedented capacity for large-scale wildlife telemetry operations in endangered species conservation. The collaboration will focus on islands across the Pacific Ocean, with ambitions to eventually expand implementation around the world. Background The rapid loss of biodiversity places ecosystems at

Wildlife Drones Forest

Forests and woodlands

From the snow-covered boreal forests of the far Northern Hemisphere to the dense tropical jungle of the Amazon, forests cover one-third of the Earth’s surface. Home to more than three-quarters of all life on land, they are one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet.  However, forest landscapes are disappearing at an alarming rate.

Wildlife Drones Airwards Winner 2021

Wildlife Drones wins Airward

Wildlife Drones, an Australian startup delivering technology to conservation projects globally, has won this year’s Conservation and Environment Airwards for their collaboration with NGO Save Vietnam’s Wildlife to track and protect pangolins from poaching and extinction. Airwards recognises positive drone use cases from around the world and showcases innovations and the positive impacts of drones. 

Wildlife Drones and Gavin Smith

Wildlife Drones pioneers world-first tracking of snakes

In a world first, drones have been successfully used to radio-track the movements of Eastern Brown Snakes in Australia. This achievement comes as the result of a collaboration between the Australian National University, ACT Snake Removals and Wildlife Drones, an Australian technology start-up. Associate Professor Gavin Smith is the lead researcher of a project to

swift parrot perching in tree

The challenges of tracking migratory birds

World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is all about celebrating the world’s wonderful migratory birds. To help raise awareness of the threats faced by migratory birds, and the urgent need to conserve their habitats, we’re taking a look at two of Australia’s most prominent endangered migratory birds: the Swift Parrot and Regent Honeyeater.  We’re also stepping

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture for wildlife conservation

As the global population continues to increase, so does our demand for food. Across the world nearly 40% of land is dedicated to agriculture. In addition to providing space to grow crops and raise livestock, this land is important habitat for endangered species, who seek refuge in remnant woodlands, native grasslands and farm dams and

Wildlife Drones Banksia Award

Wildlife Drones award finalist

Innovative drone sensor technology startup, Wildlife Drones, leading the way in sustainable wildlife and environmental monitoring Wildlife Drones has developed the world’s most advanced drone-based animal tracking technology, and has been selected as a finalist in two separate categories of the 33rd National Banksia Sustainability awards.  As a deep tech startup company, Wildlife Drones is

Poaching and illegal wildlife trade Pangolin

Poaching and the illegal wildlife trade

Each year, March 3 marks World Wildlife Day. It’s a day to celebrate the world’s wild plants and animals and raise awareness of the threats they face. This year’s theme is ‘Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration.’ In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this year’s aim is to raise awareness of the

Australasian bittern wetlands

Wetlands and endangered species

From large flocks of waterbirds to choruses of frogs, wetlands are home to a dazzling array of wildlife. As one of the most productive ecosystems on the planet, wetlands play a crucial role supporting mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians throughout their life cycles.  However, wetlands across the world are in decline. Between 1970 and

Wetlands areal image

Wetlands and invasive species

From the coastal mangroves and sawgrass marshes of the Everglades in southern Florida to the vast floodplains of Kakadu in northern Australia, wetlands are home to an astounding array of plant and animal species. Found on every continent except Antarctica, wetlands are one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet. However, like many

writing grant applications - image of hand with pen writing in book

Tips for acing your next grant application

Grant applications are a quintessential part of a wildlife researcher’s life. While they can be time-consuming and tedious to write, when successful – they are highly rewarding. There is no magic formula for grant applications. However, there are some golden rules that can help maximise your chances of success. To help you ace your next

drone flying over hills

The struggles of radio-tracking (and how drones can help)

For decades, radio telemetry has been the go-to method for anyone seeking to track and understand animal movements. But the effort involved, in proportion to the results accrued, has always been significant and costly. Despite this, radio-tracking wildlife is still commonly practiced. This is because the radio-transmitters are relatively inexpensive, and the tags can be

Department of Environment and Science first crocodile captured with a drone

What a catch! Tackling problem crocodiles with drones

Conservation isn’t always a black and white matter of saving species and maintaining their ecosystem at all costs. Often, it ends up being a matter of balancing the needs of both animals and humans, and finding a happy medium for sustainable coexistence. Dr Matt Brien understands that. Having poured a lifetime of research into crocodiles,

Jason Launching the Drone Location: Kayangel, Palau. Photo by Tommy Hall/Island Conservation

Protecting our islands with conservation technology

Scattered across our planet, Earth’s islands are discrete hotspots of biodiversity. While their isolated nature provides fertile grounds for biodiversity to thrive, islands can also leave native plants and wildlife vulnerable – particularly when invasive species enter the picture. Embracing innovative technology That’s why bodies such as Island Conservation work towards removing invasive species from

sheep mustering in outback New South Wales, Australia.

4 ways drones can help you on the farm

Agricultural technology is enabling farmers and producers to keep up with the demands of our growing world by helping automate centuries-old farming practices. This includes drones – who are proving their worth in this physically intensive industry.  Read on to find out how drones can help you on the farm… 1.   Weed and crop

the sperm drone in the air

Using drones to transport Kakapo sperm

As the world’s only nocturnal and flightless parrot, the critically endangered Kakapo is often referred to as a true avian oddity. But to the people who work tirelessly to save them from extinction, the Kakapo is more than just a novel bird. With roughly 200 kakapo left in the world, each individual is tagged and given a

will seiter and the copperhead team onboard their cessna 172 aircraft

Flying high in search of agile bats

“Oh, man – it’s essentially trying to find a needle in a haystack while on the bed of a semi-truck driving down the expressway!” – Will Seiter As a description of some of the challenges in trying to track the movements of tiny bats, Will Seiter’s metaphor is hard to beat. It’s heartfelt too, coming

thermal imaging drone ripper group

Deploying thermal imaging drones to help save wildlife

Jamie Holyoak has been using thermal imaging technology mounted on drones to search for hidden wildlife – particularly koalas – since 2013.  He has worked on behalf of a range of industries including environmental management, property development and mining, as well as working with Dreamworld’s wildlife conservation project. After the 2019/20 bushfires across Australia, however, his

Dr Debbie Saunders drone pilot with her back to the camera holding a drone controller while a drone is up in the air

Advancing the Animal Tracking Game

That faint buzzing you can hear is the sound of endangered animals being saved from extinction. It’s the sound of invasive species being turned back from a damaging incursion. And it’s the sound of livestock being monitored across the farmlands of the future.  It’s the sound of one tool that has revolutionised the art of animal

brahman cattle in feedlot

Can integrating livestock with wildlife work?

We recently moved into our new office at the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT). As a result, we’ve been interested in exploring different applications for our drone tracking technology. The human population is rapidly growing and with it is the demand for land devoted to agriculture and livestock. But with this rise in demand, land for